Whilst reading please bear in mind that-

Whilst reading please bear in mind that-

A. I'm not a writer! The fact that I even thought about writing a blog (let alone actually writing a blog!) sent shock waves through my entire family! (they still have not recovered)
B. I Didn't go to Oxford! I'm not a genius or some rich business Oxford graduate. Just a normal person with normal (or just below normal) Intelligence.
C. I am an accountant which means all figures on this Blog will have been manipulated beyond any recognition and some may be just made up!

Friday, 1 April 2016

Practical Issues of Leaving the EU

In one of my earlier blogs I touched on the issues of leaving the EU in practical terms.

Here in slightly more detail is the bigger issues practically.


There are so many partnerships that have been created between the UK and countries all over Europe. Pulling out of these partnerships is likely to be very costly not to mention complicated. You would think that considering Europe’s history of fighting we would have learned to value partnerships enough to not break them unnecessarily.

It’s not just about the work these partnerships do, the main issue is losing the partnerships themselves. We will miss out on so much valuable input from these partnerships that we will find ourselves rapidly falling behind the rest of the European Union.

What’s the government going to do with the £18 billion that gets paid to Europe once we leave?

Well I’m fairly certain that even if farmers get a similar type of subsidy it certainly won’t be as much. My best guess for farmers is that any money for them would be placed in a fund which farmers could submit applications to. Making it very competitive and probably only benefiting larger farmers with the resources to be able to apply. 

Most of the money saved will either go to pay off the huge debt we have or it will prop up the departments that are struggling the most (NHS need I say anymore!) What ever happens it certainly wont go towards anything that is a direct benefit to the people of Britain.(ie supporting local councils so they don't have to keep raising there council tax rates)